Looking for a comprehensive Stellation Media review? Then you’re on the right page. Worry less because what you’re about to read will put a stop to your search and give you the perfect direction to go in regard to stellation Media.
Amongst all the Instagram audience and followers growth tools and software, Stellation Media is one of the most recommended ones because of its mode of use.
This platform is widely used by individuals for personal purposes and companies for business and marketing purposes.
You must have recommended this software to help you grow your Instagram audience and followers but you’re having a hard time trusting it, so you decided to know more about it.
This is because you have little knowledge about this software and that’s what I am to change.
In this article, I’ll be analyzing all about Stellation Media to serve as a review article for you so you’ll be able to decide wisely.
I’ll be starting from what it is down to Stellation Media reviews from other users. The aim is to equip you with both the necessary information and testimonies from other Instagram users…
So let’s get started.
What is Stellation Media

Stellation Media is a web based Instagram followers and audience growth software aimed at helping both individuals and companies grow their Instagram audience and followers.
This software was founded in the year 2016 by Gerek George and Gerek Allegrini with the motive of reducing the stress in growing Instagram followers and Audience.
Before now, the only way to grow your Instagram users was to follow the traditional means of sending invitation users to friends and family asking them to pass the invitation to their friends too.
The idea was to create a chain of audience and followers using this traditional crude means.
The result was too poor because not all of your family visited and passed it on. Same thing with your friends, not all of them visited.
Most of the people that visited had little or nothing to do with your niche so it was a total waste of audience and stress.
Another means crept up and that was making use of bots. These means happen to be the worst because you end up losing your money signing up for the bot platform and end up losing your account due to instagram policy.
The best and sure way of growing your Instagram followers and audience is to sign up for Instagram followers and audience growth Platform. Stellation Media happens to be amongst the most used and effective means.
Stellation Media promises to help you grow your Instagram followers and audience depending on your niche, price package and duration you want to use their service.
How Does Stellation Media Work

Stellation Media works by getting you real human audience and followers from your competitors account.
After successfully signing up for their service, you are given the option to include your Instagram handle and competitors’ handle.
Your competitor’s Instagram account is critically analyzed by a manager that you will be given and the real active followers he has will be extracted and used to grow your Instagram audience and followers.
This process is achieved because they are made of humans who are professionals in Social Media Marketing and Engagement.
Stellation Media scans your competitor’s Instagram account, sorts out the followers and audience he has that are actively contributing to the growth of his platform, then they lay engagement on those sorted out people. The aim is to get them to notice your account and follow you.
The engagement could be in the form of liking the person’s post, viewing of the person’s status, commenting and even direct messaging at times.
Once they start responding to these engagements, the next step is for stellar Media to get them to like and follow you.
This will work perfectly well only if you give them accounts that are actually in competition with your niche.
Giving them a wrong account will result in zero result. Even though they manage to get you audience and followers, they will be audience that have zero interest in your niche. So you have to be careful and accurate with the information you are feeding this software with.
Ensure your information is correct and also ensure that you know the exact reason you’re opting for their service.
Related: Best Instagram Management Services
Stellation Media Review – Features of Stellation Media
The best way to understand a platform is to critically analyse the features of the platform.
The features give you a complete insight on all the tools you’ll be privileged to use working with the platform.
Though this platform has humans helping you to grow your Instagram followers, they only work in helping you critically analyse and sort out real human audience and followers from your competitor’s Instagram account.
This platform has inbuilt features you can tweak and you will get the maximum amount of followers and audience.
Inbox Feature:
This helps you see and respond to the direct messages you might have on your Instagram account.
In the course of this platform laying engagement, you might get response and it will automatically appear on your dashboard in this platform.
You can reply to these responses from the dashboard or let them respond if you don’t.
Profile Management Feature:
This feature automatically updates and customizes everything in your account.
You can decide to do it on your own if you feel you have things to add or change.
Though it will be best to let them automatically update it to suit their quest of getting you more human followers and audience.
The Auto Story repost feature:
This feature deals with the automatic reposting of stories of people you want as Instagram followers and Audience.
Reposting their story will definitely get their attention and their actions will be geared towards liking and following your account.
Mass Voting:
This feature enables you to vote for people’s Instagram account.
Your aim is to be noticed and if your niche is of their interest, you’ll be followed and your audience will grow.
Mass Automated DM:
From your dashboard on this software, you can message more than one person.
You might have more than 10 accounts you want to get followed by, all you need do is to ready the message and use this feature.
Mass follow/like feature:
One of the best ways to get noticed is to follow and like people.
The aim is for them to notice that your niche interests them and they’ll follow you.
This software automatically filters, follows and likes relevant accounts that will have the interest of your niche.
Advanced Analytics:
Tracking the number of visitors, followers and audience you have is proof that your Instagram is growing and This platform is rendering the service you paid for.
This platform gives you access to a well detailed Analytics tool in your dashboard.
This tool enables you to track the area that is growing and manually tweak the area that isn’t growing.
The schedule feature:
Unlike most platforms, only this platform gives you the option of scheduling posts for later posting.
You can write new posts in regards to your niche, schedule when to post it and allow your designated manager to edit the post.
Then on your schedule timing, it will automatically get posted on your Instagram account.
Follow/unfollow and Like/unlike Feature:
This is one of the most important features this platform offers. After scanning your competitor’s account and sorting out the persons to get engaged with and make an audience, they can be automatically followed and liked.
You can also decide to like and follow them from your dashboard in the stellation Media software.
Stellation Media Pricing

Even after going through the features, you still need to consider the price package and weigh it against your current financial status.
You must also consider the price package as being equivalent to all the services they have to render and if you find the price package as not suiting for their service, you can easily back out.
Stellation Media price package is categorized into three plans – Light, standard and Premium.
Their prices are different and so are the service options they carry along.
- Light – $99 per month
- Standard – $149 per month
- Premium – $199 per month
The price package is structured in a way that you pay per month. There’s no yearly payment.
It’s actually good because you have the advantage of bailing off after a full month if you don’t like the growth in the previous month.
The light plan is suitable for individuals who want to just grow their Instagram audience and followers for better communication and fun.
The standard plan has only a few tools present. You might be limited to more tools depending on your niche. The price package is suitable for starting up businesses.
The premium plan will be good for you if your business is already established and you just want to Foster more reach in audience and sales.
One thing you should check is the social media volatility of your niche. Please be certain that your niche or business will not only survive online but do well and blossom online to avoid losing your money to a good service but in return you get a bad result.
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”http://guruscoach.com/recommends/stellationmedia/” text=”TRY STELLATION MEDIA NOW” window=”new” nofollow=”true” ]Stellation Media Pros
The pros could be rightly seen as the one benefit of using any software.
Stellation Media also has its own pros that is worth considering.
1. They have very fast customer service.
The moment you lay your complaint in regards using their service, you’ll be automatically responded to within seconds. To access their customer service you need to locate their live chat option which seems to be functioning 24hrs per day and 7days a week.
2. Efficient Account Manager
You are offered an efficient account manager that aids in the scan and helps out in getting the audience and followers.
Your social media manager will be working with you in helping you build your audience. He will make use of social media marketing while you will make use of the tools available to grow your Instagram followers and audience.
3. Resources to Guide You
Unlike most software, Stellation Media has a rich knowledge library that has information on how to use their software and the best out of it.
Stellation Media Cons
To every good side there is an ugly side. Stellation Media also has its own bad side but it’s very easy to neglect.
1. You don’t get a refund after making a payment.
The best way to avoid meeting situations like this is to have a comprehensive knowledge about this software that will aid in your decision making.
They have no refund policy so it will totally be on your own risk if you make any form of payment you don’t want. You don’t have the option to quit using their service while the duration you paid for is yet to complete. If you should, you’ll definitely lose your money because nothing will be refunded back to you.
2. Bias in free trial period.
There’s always an advert placed on Stellation Media website about free trial. It would be wrong to say it’s misleading because it isn’t. Not everyone is getting this free period. From critical analysis, I believe location is a factor for this free period. People that have gotten this free trial happen to be residing in the same . geographical area.
Stellation Media Reviews
Aside from getting comprehensive knowledge on this platform before you decide to use their service, it would be wise to go through the reviews of users.
From the look of things the review is on a positive side so I believe it will be worth using this service.
Final Verdict – Is Stellation Media worth it?
Of course, Stellation Media is worth going for.
Analysing from the features, you have a high number of features that will aid in growing your Instagram followers and Audience.
You also have the option of tweaking a few things to get the maximum amount of result.
You are also given an efficient account manager that will aid you in growing your Instagram account followers and audience.
Concluding from the reviews of other Instagram users using this platform, I’ll definitely encourage you to use this software because it has a lot of positive reviews from people already using it.
Nevertheless, the decision is up to you and I believe that with the information you’ve gotten, you’ll be able to make the perfect decision for yourself.
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