Do you want to Make Money Online in Nigeria? Then read further.
You have heard of it right? How online businesses can be so lucrative. What you heard is the truth. Online businesses are very lucrative and easy to start.
The truth is, it is very easy to make money online as a student, business owner, employee, tenager or whatever category you might belong to. Making money online has never been easy and trickier as it is now.
This is why you need to learn the right way to make money online in Nigeria.
But wait!
Are you looking for the quickest way to make money online in Nigeria? Then you need to reprogram your mind as online businesses are not for lazy people.
Online businesses are for people with patience who are ready to work hard at it.
You could make your first $100 dollars in a month, and yours could be after a year.
So just prepare your mind that there is no shortcut around it.
But concerning the quickest way to make money online, the quickest way is to offer a service in exchange for a fee.
During the 19th century, it is very difficult to become rich within the first generation, but now anyone can be rich provided you are ready to pay the price.
So, what is the price? The price to pay is persistence and smartwork.
Did you notice the use of “smart work”?
Yes Smart work.
Hard-work might not help you that much on the internet, so you need rewire yourself for smart work.
In this post, I have promised to show you a list of 21 online business you can start a while in college. But before that, I would love to share the advantages of online businesses.
Advantages of Making Money Online in Nigeria
The major advantage is ,
1. You can work from anywhere
This is one of the advantages of online businesses; you run your business while in college without having to leave your college to resume at a place of work. Basically, your office is online.
2. It requires little Start-up capital
Online businesses are known for little to no capital investment. This means anyone can afford to start an online business.
3. No limit to the amount you can earn.
Though your investment (time, money) is directly proportional to your profit; there is still no limit to the amount you can earn through online businesses.
4. It is flexible
I said flexible, because you can run more than two online businesses on your own without having to move out of your college as online making ideas are stressful but are not location-bound.
So let drive into the list of online businesses you can start while in the four walls of your college.
21 Ways To Make Money Online in Nigeria
1. Freelance Writing
This is the first on my list, because it is less stressful and does not require any technical know-how. Freelance writing involves writing for clients on a self-employed basis.
A freelance writer writes for different organisations, individuals on a self-employed basis.
In order to get started as a freelance writer, you need just a laptop and an internet connection.
How to Get Started:
1. Register on Freelance Websites such as:
Fiverr (click here to register)
Freelancer (click here to register),
NOTE: There are many other freelancing sites you can join to increase your chances of getting more jobs. I have a written a post on freelancing sites you can join as a freelancer anywhere in the World.
2. Create a portfolio website or blog and Facebook page
Learn how to create a portfolio blog / website or hire me to create a professional portfolio website or blog.
3. Write guest post on big blogs.
Guest blogging is the act of writing a blog post for popular blogs in order to gain exposure, backlinks and other benefits.
Read this – Guest Post Email Templates for Outreach
4. Contact blogs and target audience in order to start landing jobs.
2. Graphics Design
Graphics design is another lucrative online business you could venture into.
This involves designing of graphics, flyers and other promotional images.
Graphics design requires you to be proficient in Adobe photoshop, Adobe illustrator, Corel draw, and other graphics design software.
If you do not have the skill, you can always learn and master a skill; if you are passionate about it. Moreover, learning is not a crime. When you learn, you add value to yourself increasing your worth.
If you are new to this, the steps below are to guide you in getting started.
1. But graphics designing courses online on Udemy
2. Practise and master the skill
3. Register on freelance websites as a graphics designer in order to land your first job. Freelance websites such as fiverr, freelancer.
4. Create a portfolio website/blog.
5. Create a facebook page, twitter account, pinterest account and instagram account. Pinterest and Instagram will go a long way in getting you prospects and clients. Why? Because these social network give you the platform to exhibit your work to the public.
6. Do some free works for top blogs, websites and have them link back to your portfolio page.
7. Keep getting client and living the type of life you had always wanted (lol).
3. Logo Designing
This is also similar to graphics designing but logo desingning is only about designing logo for organisations, websites etc. and getting paid doing so.
Some logo designers are paid much more because it involves creative thinking for the designer and building a brand for the client.
The process of getting started is similar to that of graphics designing. If you are new to logo designing, you can also buy some logo designing courses on Lynda and Udemy.
4. Video Editing
Video editing is editing videos as it name implies. It involves making changes to videos and adding some effects to it.
Video editing is also very lucrative as many companies are now investing into vlogging, video adverts in order to get the attention of their prospects.
Video editors are also needed in the media industry. If you are interested in video editing and do not have any knowledge, you may as well consider buying courses.
Here is how to get Started:
1. Buy video editing courses or may as well attend video editing bootcamp.
2. Register on freelancing websites or apply to jobs directly. Freelancing websites you can register with are Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, etc.
3. Build a portfolio website, Facebook page and also create an Instagram account and YouTube channel. I made mention of instagram and YouTube channel because the two provides a medium for you to exhibit what you have got. Make good use of these tools well.
Contact media industries and other prospects and target audience.
5. Web Design
Web design involves building of websites, web applications for clients. This is one of online businesses that requires a lot of technical know-how.
Though this requires some technical know-how, there are some applications that has made web designing an easy thing for anyone to do, but that might be useless in some situations where the client wants you to build his website from scratch.
If you do not have this skill, you can also learn it, there is no crime in learning; like I have said earlier on.
You can get some video courses on web design or buy some e-books; whichever you like.
Here is how to get started:
1. Buy some web design courses on Udemy.
2. Build a dynamic website, this website will serve as a proof of your brilliant skill. Ensure you build a very responsive web site.
3. Register on freelance websites and ensure you link back to your personal website.
6. Programming
Programming is a very lucrative online business and also time consuming.
Programming is related to web design. The difference is web design deals with the development of websites, web applications while programming deals with the development of software, web applications, games, etc.
Programming is the most technical of all the online businesses listed here but is also very interesting and could be challenging.
This is not to scare you. Programming can be challenging when you are just starting and becomes fun when familiar with the programming languages.
If you are just starting out, I suggest you learn and master one programming language at a time which you could get a job with easily before learning another programming language.
Python is a simple programming language you can start from.
Here is how to get started.
1. Do your research and decide on what programming language you would love to learn.
2. Buy online courses on that programming language on Udemy or learn on websites such as or
3. Apply for an online job and keep learning
4. Register on freelance websites and keep getting Gigs in order to improve your proficiency in that language
7. Online Tutoring
Online tutoring is defined by Wikipedia as the process of tutoring on an online, virtual environment tor networked environment in which teachers and learners are separated by time and space.
Online tutoring is all about having knowledge of something people are in need of and creating those courses and tutoring students online.
How to Get Started
1. Decide what topic you want to teach and create the course.
2. Create an account with Udemy and other sites and sell your courses
3. In order to drive more traffic to your course, having bloggers blog about it by building a relationship with them. This can be done by guest blogging, providing some services to them.
8. Information Marketing
As it name implies, it is the selling of information packaged in form of e-books. Information marketing involves selling of e-books to people online.
Information marketing is also one of the most lucrative online business as there is no limit to the number of e-books you can sell.
All you need is to research topics that people search for a lot and they could be willing to offer some dollars in order to get the information.
After discovering these topics, you then research and write a comprehensive e-book on that topic with tested fact to prove your credibility.
Here is how to Get Started.
• Do your research on topics that people search for a lot and would be willing to part with some dollars in order to get the information.
• Check if there is any e-book already on that topic already satisfying the people’s need.
• After checking this, if there is any; make sure you read people’s review on the e-book and take note of where the e-book has failed to cover.
There will always be a part of the book that might not be comprehensive. You can find out that reading the e-book itself or reading others comments and reviews.
• After discovering the parts not fully covered and people’s review, write your e-book to fill that vacant spot and ensure you have written the best e-book ever written on that topic.
How Will you Know? That is a good question.
You have written the best e-book if a layman with no prior knowledge of the topic can pick-up your e-book, read and understand the topic.
• Design your E-book Cover. After you are done with writing, the most important part that helps increase your sale is your e-book cover.
If your e-book cover image is not attractive, no one will be willing to buy as people tend to judge things by their appearance.
Even you have written the best e-book and you have a poorly designed 3D- cover, no one will be willing to buy your e-book except few people.
• Contact bloggers that blog on that topic you have written, then have them review your e-book.
This could be a bit difficult but ensure you try and approach them.
This is because a simple review of your e-book by a popular blogger can drive more than thousands of sales. That is the power of blogging.
• Publish your e-book on amazon kindle.
• Market your e-book through various means such as search engine optimisation, google adwords, Facebook advert, etc.
9. Freelance Typing
This involves typing on a self-employed basis.
Freelance typist types for different clients on a self-employed basis. All you need is to have a good typing speed.
This requires no technical know-how, just the knowledge of Microsoft word.
How to Get Started
• Register on freelance typing websites such as fiverr
• Ask your clients for reviews in order to boost your credibility.
10. Photography
Photography is the art and science of taking pictures. You might wonder how does taking pictures relate to the internet? I will tell you.
We have some websites online that you can sell your pictures, not talking about your personal pictures alone; taking pictures of ceasing moments, nature, etc.
These websites pay you for each picture. Moreover, there are websites that help you exhibit your pictures to clients who might be willing to buy.
11. Website Flipping
Flipping means buying something at a lower price, selling it at a higher price; to make profit. Website flipping means buying websites or building websites at a lower price and selling it at a higher price.
Why would people buy websites?
Well, because a website is also a source of income. People buy websites that have a brighter of bringing them more profits. A website value is calculated by either multiplying its monthly income by 12 (1 year) or 24 or 36.
The highest is 36, which means the buyer will have to wait for about 1 year or 2 or 3 years in order to get back his return of investment.
If your blog is earning about $500 per month, it has the chance of being sold around $6000 to $18,000.
How to Get Started
• Buy a domain and build a website or blog in a lucrative niche.
• Nurture the website and grow it to a point when it starts earning some dollars.
• Put up ads on flipping websites in order to attract interested buyers.
• After you have successfully sold your website, you can go ahead and create more websites for flipping purpose.
12. Domain Flipping Business
This is similar to website flipping. This is the buying of domain name at a cheaper price and selling at a higher price. Domain name is very important to the branding of a business. If a company loves your domain, they will contact you negotiate the price. In order to start a domain flipping business, you need a good eye for high value domain. This is because companies will only buy a domain name that is brand-able and has a high value to their business.
How to Get Started
• Research for high value domain name that are still ready and yet to be bought. Though it will be very difficult to get domain name with a single word as those domain names have been bought years back but you can always get domain names with two, three words.
• Purchase domain name and put it up for sale on domain flipping site such as flippa, fiverr
• Having a technology blog is a plus that allows you to exhibit all your domain name at once to your blog reader
13. Language Translations
If you are fluent in a particular language e.g. Spanish, there are work opportunity for you online to translate from Spanish to English language. Not just Spanish, this is just an example in order to understand the concept of this online business.
I would not assume you have heard about blogging before; because even as we claim we are in a computerized world, some people are still not familiar with the use of the internet.
Blogging is way you can make money online. Blogging is the act of writing something like a web journal or should I say feeding the internet with useful information and earning some side income while doing that.
Gurus Coach is an example of a blog. There are several ways of monetizing a blog which makes blogging one of the lucrative online business you can start. Apart from this, you build a brand and become an authority in your blog’s niche which becomes the foundation of every other online business you start.
There are popular blogs like Huffington post, Copyblogger, Smartblogger, Shoutmeloud, etc some of these blogs, make over $100,000 a month. I am not saying you can make the same amount immediately but you will make enough to support yourself and even more as time goes on.
When starting a blog, you need to choose a niche in which you will specialise in.
15. Vlogging/ Start a YouTube channel
Is this your first time of hearing vlogging? or are you surprised that you can make money on YouTube? This is the truth anybody can make money on YouTube.
To make money on YouTube all you need to do is start a YouTube channel, and build your YouTube followers in order to generate more views on your videos.
You can make money on your YouTube through Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, and selling products. YouTubers make money mostly through adsense which show ads in between their video.
The more followers you have the more tendency to make more money through YouTube.
16. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is an online business which you can run with any other online business. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.
You are the affiliate that gets a commission by driving sales for a company or affiliate program.
Neil Patel defines affiliate marketing as the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s products.
Read: Affiliate Marketing – Step by Step Guide
17. SEO Specialist
Are you good at search engine optimisation? Or do you have some knowledge in how search engine optimisation works? Then you can become a search engine optimisation specialist and start helping small online businesses utilize the search engine.
The truth is you do not have to be a master to become a search engine optimisation specialist. You will be surprised that a lot of people do not know anything about search engine optimisation (SEO).
The little you know is enough to land you your first job as an SEO specialist.
As you keep helping your clients leverage the search engine traffic, you keep learning nnew things and gradually become an expert.
18. Start a Podcast
Not everyone find it easy reading a long text of words; some prefer to listening to audio or watching a video compared to reading a long article.
You can start a podcast in a particular niche and build an audience that is willing to buy some of your premium courses. Becoming a podcaster is easy you just have to learn how to start a podcast.
19. Start an E-commerce business
E-commerce as defined by Wikipedia is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the internet.
E-commerce is a good online business to start but requires a good digital marketing strategy in order to market the e-commerce business.
A popular e-commerce website is Amazon. Amazon is the most popular e-commerce business which started as an online retail bookstore. It has from then expanded its territory to cover millions of products used in all walks of life.
20. Start an Online Course
Online course is a way of teaching others what you are good at and thereby getting paid. All you need is to create both audio and video collection of a course and put it on sites like Udemy, etc.
Starting an online course requires you have a knowledge of a topic and sharing that knowledge with others and getting paid while doing so.
Tax Sale Blueprint Course Review
21. Become a Social Media Manager
Are you a social media savvy? This is a perfect online business for you. A social media manager is someone who manages a social media page with the aim of building a popular brand and increasing sales through social media.
A social media manager carries out duties like updating social media pages, helping audience out by answering questions, building connection with audience, running social media campaign, and other tasks that helps build a brand.
We are right here.
Read also: Perfect Money in Nigeria
We are right here. Starting an online business is easy but requires your commitment in order to build a successful online business.
A lot of people have built a million dollar online business which means you can. I can go ahead and give examples of successful online business owners but that would make this post an e-Book which might not survive your attention span.
I am presently writing a post on successful bloggers tips.
So, go ahead and pursue your dream in owning an online business in Nigeria.
Remember: Whatever a man’s mind can conceive, he can achieve.
See you at the top.
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Hi there! How are you? There are many opportunity online that looks too good to be true and i would love to try this ways to make money online.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Paul, thank you for leaving a comment.
It my pleasure to have you here.
I wish you the best.
thanks for sharing sire
you are welcome.
Happy New Year, wish you the best online